Intergroup is a partnerships among A.A. groups in a community — just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. Intergroup was established to carry out certain functions common to all the individual groups. We are maintained, supervised, and supported by these groups in their general interest. We exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
- Intergroup depends on representatives from each meeting group for bi-lateral communication. These reps attend monthly Intergroup meetings and relay the health and concerns of their meeting group.
- Intergroup produces flyers for planned events to benefit all participants and groups, prints local meeting schedules, and maintains the local web site,, and the AA hotline
- Intergroup depends on mutual cooperation and communication between groups in order to improve functions affecting groups as a whole.
- Intergroup is funded by individual donations and group contributions.
Come join our Intergroup Meeting on the first Sunday of each month. All AA members are welcome to attend. There are always service opportunities available for those who wish to be of service.
About A.A. Intergroups

The young & Restless Group
We are the Young and the Restless, Inland Mendocino’s Young Peoples meeting, and we want your support and to share in our recovery with you. Our regular meeting is at 6:45 pm every Wednesday night at The Arbor Youth Resource Center, 810 N. State Street in Ukiah.
Come join us and contribute your person and personality to our punchy, and never dull, meeting. Being young isn’t about a number, it means being young at heart with room to grow and learn.
Hospitals and Institutions
Northern California Hospitals and Institutions Committee.
AA Bridging the Gap (CNCA)
AA Support for newly released inmates and residents of treatment facilities/hospitals
District Contact – Marc O. (707) 367-3960
CNCA- 06 District 14 Area
CNCA-06 is one of six A.A. General Service Areas in California and geographically encompasses 21,427 square miles of coastal counties from the Oregon border in the north, down to San Luis Obispo County. CNCA serves more than 60,000 AA members in 23 Districts.
Each district’s DCM Chairperson (DCMC) and the District Committee Members (DCMs) of our 153 sub-districts serve over 2,100 registered groups via their General Service Representatives (GSRs). The Districts and the Area communicate through liaisons with the Central Offices/Intergroups within CNCA boundaries.